Friday, September 02, 2005


Listening to: Ben Folds Songs For Silverman

Reflecting on the guilt trip I just got from my mother for not calling her back yesterday and not going to visit this weekend. Gosh, she's a little off balance the past few days. How can I explain that there is big BB6 doings this weekend. I missed the endurance comp 'cause I was at her house I don't want the chance to bitch about hours and hours of fish!

I went out driving today. I haven't been in my car for a couple of weeks. Man it was so dirty on the windshield. I parked under a tree and had sap and doodie all over. So I was driving and realized that:
  1. no one works - including me
  2. most people can't drive
  3. I miss driving
  4. when I go out driving, I spend money


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