Tuesday, August 17, 2004

I am now 36

Friday the 13th was my birthday. I am now 36.

I remember, when I was younger, watching One Day at a Time. It was the episode where Bonnie Franklin had her 36th birthday and had a breakdown because her life was half over. I remember thinking - God, that's so old. Now that I am 36, it sure doesn't seem that old to me. My age is really no big deal to me, it's not a secret how old I am. I don't care if everyone knows. It seems really weird to be so concerned about people knowing how old you are. I have a friend at work who won't admit her age. She claims to be 27 every year. She is really paranoid about anyone discussing her real age.

So my birthday was quite good this year. I've been at my current job for almost 7 years now. This year was the first that anyone made any kind of "fuss". It was nice. Someone made a pan of lemon squares and a pan of brownies [no nuts!] and wrote, in frosting, Happy Birthday. They actually put candles on it and carried them to my desk. No singing, thank God. Then the managers in my division bought pizza for lunch for me. So for the first time people actually realized it was my birthday and said something.

Stupid-lying girl refused to acknowledge me or my special day. She also refused to share in the pizza everyone else was eating. Good. I'd rather not have to pretend. Her "boyfriend", my former boss who hates me, joined in the food. It seemed to me that he wasn't going to join us for lunch, but he did. However, he did not acknowledge that it was for me.

I then spent the weekend my favorite way. Doing nothing. I slept. I ate the food my mother made and sent up with my brother [a separate entry]. I watched Big Brother and the Olympics, Badminton is now my favorite sport to watch. I also left the air mattress in the living room inflated and laid on that when I was not laying in bed. Good times.

I did cancel driving out to the suburbs. I was just too lazy. I think it is part of my "depression", but the medications should be helping with it. I am just too much a creature of habit. I like to spend the weekends by myself. Inertia really applies to me. A body at rest tends to stay at rest, I think. I make jokes about it. I need to spend some quality time with my couch. Ha.

I took the money from my mom and bought an ice cream maker. I can't wait for it to get here. My brother gave me another cross. I'm not sure why. It seems that he and his wife have given me cross earrings and more than one cross necklace.

One of the nicest things that happened was my friend Mary called me on Friday night. She's in Mexico for the summer and never calls me from there. It was so nice to talk to her, I really miss her. She will be back tomorrow! That means summer's almost over.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so it's a week late, but



10:53 AM  
Blogger Stacey said...

Happy Birthday! My 36th is a week from today. You sound like you're fine about being 36. Birthdays never messed with me until I turned 35 last year.

Now I have a hard time knowing that I'm closer to 30 than 40. Seems like a blink of an eye ago I was 19. Oh well, I guess it beats the alternative.

P.S. I used to love One Day at a Time.

12:09 PM  
Blogger Stacey said...

Happy Birthday! My 36th is a week from today. You sound like you're fine about being 36. Birthdays never messed with me until I turned 35 last year.

Now I have a hard time knowing that I'm closer to 30 than 40. Seems like a blink of an eye ago I was 19. Oh well, I guess it beats the alternative.

P.S. I used to love One Day at a Time.

12:09 PM  
Blogger Stacey said...

Happy Birthday! My 36th is a week from today. You sound like you're fine about being 36. Birthdays never messed with me until I turned 35 last year.

Now I have a hard time knowing that I'm closer to 30 than 40. Seems like a blink of an eye ago I was 19. Oh well, I guess it beats the alternative.

P.S. I used to love One Day at a Time.

12:09 PM  

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