Wednesday, September 01, 2004

My new summer drink

Now that I can drink al-key-hawl again, I have created my new summer drink.

Raspberry Vodka Lemonade

Now normally I don't drink vodka, [there are a few nights that will never exist in my memory] but I have been wanting to try some of the new flavored vodkas. So the other night at my boss' surprise pre-wedding party, which we had to pay 40 bucks a piece, I decided that I should get my moneys worth at the open bar. That meant I could drink anything I wanted. Woo hoo! Oh wait, work party - better not. Wait, I hate my job and the people I work with, bring on the drinks! Behind the bar I see a beautiful ruby red bottle, I decide that I will claim it as my own. Thus, Absolut raspberry vodka lemonade was born. I drank them all night. They sure went down smooth.

I liked them so much I decided to buy a bottle for myself. But Absolut is just too expensive for a cheap skate like me, I found a bottle of Smirnoff on sale and lemonade was on sale too! It's a sign from God, "drink my little lamb, you need it!"

So in my apartment, by myself, I pour the ice cold vodka [from the freezer] into my big tall glass [from my first cruise] and top it off with some lemonade [a cool refreshing drink]. Yummy!

Last night it was heaven, I ate dinner while I watched Big Brother. Then I poured a drinky-poo and watched The Amazing Race. When Race was over, I turned on the US Open and watched Andy Roddick SPANK a very young american player.

I couldn't have dreamed a better night!


Anonymous Anonymous said...



PS~ your "strikeouts" worked! Woot!

2:24 PM  

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