Monday, February 21, 2005

Monday President's Day

It's almost 11 o'clock. Since it is President's Day and should be a holiday from work, I am declaring my desk a work free zone. Well, not completely. I do have to do a few things, but mostly work free.

I am now waiting until I can run to Target to buy a $77 digital camera. And Wonderfalls on DVD on sale. Two great purchases! The digital camera is an investment so I can sell more crap, I mean very valuable merchandise, on e-bay. I just will have to figure out how to be able to load the pictures onto the computer. I also don't have a working camera anymore. My camera stopped flashing at some point, I could have or still could send it into Kodak, but I don't think it would be worth it anymore.

I had a wonderful weekend. The cat and I napped and slept. I made cookies and frosting. I watched my new Donnie Darko DVD - I enjoyed the director's cut more than the original, only because I actually could understand the movie more this way, but I wish the theatrical version was included too, so I could compare. When I bought the DVD on Friday, Best Buy had original DVD for only $9.99, I should check out the price at Target today also.

So this is my new etiquette question - I frequently read blogs of a certain group of people. Most of these people are loosely tied because of a TV show. I feel as they are friends of mine since I know a lot about them from their blogs and we as a "community" have been together for a couple of years, but they really don't know me because I can't participate in the frequent "chats" or IM's that tend to happen at night when I am not on the computer.

So this is my problem - I have noticed that some relationships have changed between some of these people. Nothing has been mentioned specifically, but I can tell that something has happened. Is it ok to ask what has happened? I know I have no business asking. I am not really a "friend", but I sense that there is a problem. Would it be totally inappropriate to ask? Or would my questions be viewed as concern or just curiosity?


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